They don’t really socialize with fat people ever. They’re always together and always taking these goofy pictures, and there’s never a fat person in sight. I see these guys in West Hollywood… I just found this group of friends who take all these silly pictures, so I used their pictures to start. Why did you launch started doing it as a joke. NewNowNext recently caught up with Masterson for a chat. #gayfatfriend #gayfun #gaybro #sexygay #beard #gay #bros #gaybear #gayfit #fun #cats #friends #mates #belly #abs #instagay #gayboy #hike #runyon #gayspeedo #gaybeard #sunsout #muscles #HangOutĪ post shared by Gay Fat Friend on at 11:33am PST I know it’s only Tuesday, but HANG IN THERE, BABY! Haha get it? Like that cat poster! The weekend is right around the corner, and then it’s Christmas, and then it’s New Year’s! THAT’S SO FUN! Fierce.